Sunday 28 November 2010

Authentic Li-Ning YU Shuai V “Wooden Cow” |

Digging deep into ancient Chinese history, Li-Ning Yu Shuai V Create a design that calls itself inspired by the former military vehicle known as the wooden cow. Dating of the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 AD), the wooden cow was a mobile shelter created by Zhu Liang, Shu Han and Chancellor of the original Hidden Dragon, which was used to protect soldiers during attacks the walled city, which is in place, we are still a danger. To put the wooden cow for life in Shuai Yu V, the signature model of Jose Calderon, Li-Ning shoes gave a wood grain like finish, which is set by white accents, a few ground strokes and green speckled on the midsole and outsole. We're not quite sure what makes this a tribute to the wooden cow, unlike wooden carriages of the Zhou Dynasty of the East, but the Chinese characters on the heel of each shoe and models can help determine more precisely that. The top has a wooden wall with white trim and heel features tradtional proverbial characters meaning "transportation" and "innovation" and a staff of more traditional Chinese characters.

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